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Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: Clarity, Energy, and Bold Visioning
Unlock your leadership potential with clarity, energy management, and bold visioning. Learn how to lead with focus and resilience.

Energy Management for Leaders: How to Boost Productivity and Prevent Burnout
Discover why energy management for leaders - not just time management - is the key to success. Learn how to recharge and prevent burnout.

Burnout in Leadership: How to Spot It and What to Do About It
Burnout shouldn't be the norm for leaders. Learn how to spot it, prevent it, and lead with resilience. It's time to take control!
The Key to Wellbeing
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My weekly 'The Key to Wellbeing' newsletter is packed full of practical tips, tricks and strategies to help you improve your mindset, self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing using proven positive psychology and coaching research; as well as links to my most recent blog articles.
Each week I explain how I use these strategies to develop a more positive mindset, create closer more authentic relationships, and overcome the many challenges life throws at us with compassion and grace - or at the very least with empathy and humour!
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3 min read
Unlocking Success: Building a Culture of Wellbeing in Your Organisation
In today's fast-paced and demanding business world, creating a culture of wellbeing is not just a nice-to-have; it's a strategic...

7 min read
Creating Life Balance: Tips to Manage Your Time Wisely
Do you often find yourself wishing for more hours in a day? Do you feel like you're constantly juggling your personal and professional...

4 min read
5 Tips To Help Build Resilience, Self-esteem & Happiness
How To Boost Your Wellbeing I was talking to a client recently about strategies they could use to boost their general wellbeing. We...

3 min read
How To Switch Off, Relax & Enjoy Your Holiday (Without Worrying About Work)
You've planned your rough itinerary (even if it's lying on a sun lounger for a week), booked the tickets, packed your suitcase and set...

3 min read
Thriving Not Surviving: How To Create A Life You Don't Need To Escape From
In positive psychology, 'thriving' or 'flourishing' refers to feeling or functioning well over multiple domains of life (e.g., physical,...

4 min read
Into The Well-derness: 5 Books To Help You Reconnect With Nature
Research shows that spending time in nature can help reduce stress, depression and anger; lower anxiety and blood pressure; increase...

4 min read
Why Leader's Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Should Be a Priority
Firstly, let me start by saying that, of course, everyone's emotional and mental wellbeing is important. We should all be taking action...

3 min read
How Reconnecting With Nature Improves Wellbeing And Brings Perspective
I have written recently about seven amazing benefits (including improved wellbeing and productivity) of adding green plants to your...

5 min read
7 Benefits of Having Real Plants in Your Office Workspace or Classroom
One thing that is often overlooked by organisations looking to improve employee wellbeing, drive productivity or increase engagement is...

3 min read
Mindset & Perspective - What's Your Baseline Question?
You're probably thinking I'm talking about whether you are glass half-full, or glass half-empty, aren't you? But I'm not. I'm talking...

3 min read
The Four Day Week; Is It The Future Of Work?
Social isolation, combined with remote working has blurred the lines between home and work. And there is a temptation for employees to do...

6 min read
10 Wellbeing Products To Help You Unwind And Find Inner Peace
Wellbeing is...well, it's complicated. In scientific terms, it can be defined as 'the combination of feeling good and functioning well;...

3 min read
Why We Need A Positive Education Strategy
It's no secret that the mental health and wellbeing of children and educators all around the world is suffering. Mental health issues are...

7 min read
Top 10 Tips For Stress-free School Summer Holidays
(Updated July 2022) Whether you are busy working full-time and don't have the holiday allowance to take the time off, or you are at home...

10 min read
Thank God It's Monday!
A Strategy To Improve Wellbeing At Work Work forms a significant part of most peoples lives. In fact, between Monday and Friday, we spend...

4 min read
7 Behaviours That Will Help You Build Self-confidence
(Updated August 2022) There have been thousands of research papers published on self-confidence or self-esteem, and many of these papers...

3 min read
4 Major Mistakes People Make That Lead To Low Self-Esteem
Last week I talked about setting personal boundaries, and I gave you an overview of the kind of things people, think, feel and do that...

5 min read
10 Positive Podcasts for a Perfect Morning
Like me, are you counting down the days and hours until lockdown is lifted and we can emerge from our enforced chrysalis like a beautiful...

4 min read
The Science of Happiness: Why We Should Put More Effort Into Our Relationships
If there's one thing that's been under strain since the start of the pandemic, it's our relationships. Spending hours together in a...

8 min read
Decluttering Your Mind, Body & Spirit
Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life! You know that pile of clothes hanging on the treadmill you don't use? And the pile of papers...
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