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Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: Clarity, Energy, and Bold Visioning
Unlock your leadership potential with clarity, energy management, and bold visioning. Learn how to lead with focus and resilience.

Energy Management for Leaders: How to Boost Productivity and Prevent Burnout
Discover why energy management for leaders - not just time management - is the key to success. Learn how to recharge and prevent burnout.

Burnout in Leadership: How to Spot It and What to Do About It
Burnout shouldn't be the norm for leaders. Learn how to spot it, prevent it, and lead with resilience. It's time to take control!
The Key to Wellbeing
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My weekly 'The Key to Wellbeing' newsletter is packed full of practical tips, tricks and strategies to help you improve your mindset, self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing using proven positive psychology and coaching research; as well as links to my most recent blog articles.
Each week I explain how I use these strategies to develop a more positive mindset, create closer more authentic relationships, and overcome the many challenges life throws at us with compassion and grace - or at the very least with empathy and humour!
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4 min read
Unveiling Excellence: 3 Strategic Tips for Leadership Development
Greetings fellow leaders and aspiring executives! In the realm of leadership, the journey to excellence is both an art and a strategic...

3 min read
September Reading List: Books to Inspire and Elevate Your Performance
In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, few resources are as enriching and accessible as books. Books have the unique power...

3 min read
Mind Over Matter: Harnessing Your Mindset to Conquer Arthritis Challenges
Living with chronic illnesses like arthritis can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, especially when you're juggling professional...

3 min read
Mindfulness for Arthritis: Cultivating Inner Peace in Your Professional Life
In the intricate tapestry of our professional lives, managing the challenges of arthritis can feel like a delicate balancing act. Amidst...

2 min read
Strengths Unleashed: Empowering Professionals to Rise Above Frustration
As professionals navigating the intricate path of careers while dealing with the challenges of arthritis, frustration can often feel like...

7 min read
Creating Life Balance: Tips to Manage Your Time Wisely
Do you often find yourself wishing for more hours in a day? Do you feel like you're constantly juggling your personal and professional...

10 min read
How Do You Fix Low Self-confidence? 4 Steps To Overcome Low Self-esteem
Low self-confidence and the vicious cycle keeps people stuck in a spiral of self-doubt & low self-esteem. Find out how to overcome it now.

4 min read
5 Tips To Help Build Resilience, Self-esteem & Happiness
How To Boost Your Wellbeing I was talking to a client recently about strategies they could use to boost their general wellbeing. We...

3 min read
How To Cope With Challenges and Negative Thoughts; When Life Gives You Lemons
When life gives you lemons do you squeeze them in people's eyes? Or make lemonade? Sometimes life throws us a curve ball that stops us...

3 min read
Feeling Annoyed? Here Are 4 Simple Ways To Let It Go
AKA How to practice the art of 'Not Holding On To Something That Is Annoying You' Be honest, you are currently humming along to Frozen's...

3 min read
Connectedness In Action: How I’ve Learned To Love Networking
Networking. Does the word fill you with dread, nausea or excitement? I started out hating networking, but now I love it! Let me share how...

5 min read
Three Steps Of Managing Change: How To Create Positive Endings & Powerful Beginnings
The recent changes in the UK monarchy have made me think about beginnings and endings; particularly the importance of ending well. It...

3 min read
How Co-working Has Transformed My Productivity, Engagement & Meaning At Work
When I retired from teaching to start my own business in 2020, I discovered how lonely it can be when it’s just you running the show....

5 min read
The Characteristics of Inspirational Leaders and How To Develop Your Leadership Skills
Leadership development is a crucial part of defining your employee (re)engagement strategy. But what characterises an ‘inspirational...

5 min read
How to be More Optimistic (& Optimisms Darker Side)
What is optimism? According to the American Psychological Association, optimism is defined as ones hope and confidence 'that good things...

3 min read
Thriving Not Surviving: How To Create A Life You Don't Need To Escape From
In positive psychology, 'thriving' or 'flourishing' refers to feeling or functioning well over multiple domains of life (e.g., physical,...

4 min read
For The Love Of Learning: Creating A CEO Mindset
The Benefits Of Continuous Learning No matter what profession you are in, the learning never really stops. Whether it's training in...

3 min read
The Secret To Improving Your Performance At Work? Get A Coach
When it comes to professional development there are many options; training, workshops, courses, mentoring and coaching. But which one...

6 min read
Feeling Heard: The Practice Of Engaged, Empathic Listening
How important is listening? The answer is obviously 'really bloody important'. So important, in fact, that we created special codes and...

4 min read
10 Positive Podcasts To Listen To On Your Walk To Work
As much as I recommend the benefits of practising mindfulness on your journey to work - noticing the sights and changing seasons, playing...
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