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Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: Clarity, Energy, and Bold Visioning
Unlock your leadership potential with clarity, energy management, and bold visioning. Learn how to lead with focus and resilience.

Energy Management for Leaders: How to Boost Productivity and Prevent Burnout
Discover why energy management for leaders - not just time management - is the key to success. Learn how to recharge and prevent burnout.

Burnout in Leadership: How to Spot It and What to Do About It
Burnout shouldn't be the norm for leaders. Learn how to spot it, prevent it, and lead with resilience. It's time to take control!
The Key to Wellbeing
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Each week I explain how I use these strategies to develop a more positive mindset, create closer more authentic relationships, and overcome the many challenges life throws at us with compassion and grace - or at the very least with empathy and humour!
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3 min read
Connectedness In Action: How I’ve Learned To Love Networking
Networking. Does the word fill you with dread, nausea or excitement? I started out hating networking, but now I love it! Let me share how...

4 min read
5 Activities to Help You Work Through Loss and Grief
Although it's not the topic I intended to write about today, recent events have compelled me to explore, reflect on and write about the...

3 min read
6 Steps to Building A Strong Team Culture
Whether you are a start-up business, an international giant or assigning a new group of people to a key project, the secret of success...

3 min read
4 Ways You Can Improve Belonging At Work
What is belonging? Belonging, or belongingness, is the feeling of connectedness to a group of people or a community. It is driven by the...

6 min read
Feeling Heard: The Practice Of Engaged, Empathic Listening
How important is listening? The answer is obviously 'really bloody important'. So important, in fact, that we created special codes and...

2 min read
Positively Speaking: 15 Questions To Get The Conversation Going
Ever been stuck in a social situation where you have no idea what to say? Or been at a party where you find yourself asking (or being on...

3 min read
Happiness Is...A Good Book: My Top 5 Positive Books for Young People's Wellbeing
With 17 year's experience working with young people (including 15 year's experience as a full-time teacher) I have seen my fair share of...

4 min read
6 Warning Signs You May Be A People Pleaser
Being kind, generous and going out of your way to help other people are generally considered to be socially desirable traits. Even our...

5 min read
5 Benefits of Positive Parenting That Will Make Your Life Calmer & Easier
Contents Introduction - What is positive parenting? Benefit 1 - Stronger Parent-child Relationships Benefit 2 - More Effective...

3 min read
Parenting in a Pandemic: The Impact on Parents’ Mental Wellbeing (Part 1)
It might feel like there is light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel right now, especially as the days get longer and the weather...

5 min read
Why It's Important To Build Resilient Relationships At School
When I was a primary school teacher, helping children navigate their relationships felt like a massive part of my job. Barely a day went...

3 min read
Belonging, Resilience and Relationships
As was highlighted during the seemingly never-ending lockdowns of the last couple of years, positive social contact is important for...

2 min read
Am I Responsible For Other People's Happiness?
You are not responsible for anyone else’s actions, thoughts or happiness. I keep having to remind myself of this at the moment and tell...

1 min read
How To Stop People Pleasing - Saying No
"‘No, thank you.’ Is a complete sentence." Say it with me, "I don’t have to explain my reasons to anyone." How often do you say no, but...

4 min read
7 Behaviours That Will Help You Build Self-confidence
(Updated August 2022) There have been thousands of research papers published on self-confidence or self-esteem, and many of these papers...

4 min read
One issue that comes up time after time with clients is how to set and maintain personal boundaries. Quite often it comes up when clients...

7 min read
5 Things Your Child Needs to Know About Friendship & Belonging
Belonging is important to everyone no matter their age. When resting, our brains enter a default network which actually mimics the same...

4 min read
The Science of Happiness: Why We Should Put More Effort Into Our Relationships
If there's one thing that's been under strain since the start of the pandemic, it's our relationships. Spending hours together in a...
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