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Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: Clarity, Energy, and Bold Visioning
Unlock your leadership potential with clarity, energy management, and bold visioning. Learn how to lead with focus and resilience.

Energy Management for Leaders: How to Boost Productivity and Prevent Burnout
Discover why energy management for leaders - not just time management - is the key to success. Learn how to recharge and prevent burnout.

Burnout in Leadership: How to Spot It and What to Do About It
Burnout shouldn't be the norm for leaders. Learn how to spot it, prevent it, and lead with resilience. It's time to take control!
The Key to Wellbeing
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My weekly 'The Key to Wellbeing' newsletter is packed full of practical tips, tricks and strategies to help you improve your mindset, self-esteem, resilience and wellbeing using proven positive psychology and coaching research; as well as links to my most recent blog articles.
Each week I explain how I use these strategies to develop a more positive mindset, create closer more authentic relationships, and overcome the many challenges life throws at us with compassion and grace - or at the very least with empathy and humour!
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5 min read
Arthritis Warriors: Nurturing Mental Health and Resilience for Professionals
Introduction As professionals living with arthritis, we embark on a unique journey—one that calls for unwavering strength, resilience,...

3 min read
How To Switch Off, Relax & Enjoy Your Holiday (Without Worrying About Work)
You've planned your rough itinerary (even if it's lying on a sun lounger for a week), booked the tickets, packed your suitcase and set...

4 min read
Into The Well-derness: 5 Books To Help You Reconnect With Nature
Research shows that spending time in nature can help reduce stress, depression and anger; lower anxiety and blood pressure; increase...

6 min read
6 Self-care Tips For People With Stressful Jobs
Work-related stress, depression or anxiety is defined as a harmful reaction people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at...

3 min read
How Reconnecting With Nature Improves Wellbeing And Brings Perspective
I have written recently about seven amazing benefits (including improved wellbeing and productivity) of adding green plants to your...

6 min read
10 Wellbeing Products To Help You Unwind And Find Inner Peace
Wellbeing is...well, it's complicated. In scientific terms, it can be defined as 'the combination of feeling good and functioning well;...

6 min read
10 Problems Caused By Low Self-Esteem
We are constantly told to ‘believe in yourself,’ (something I am guilty of saying too!) as the path to accomplish anything in life. Not...

4 min read
One issue that comes up time after time with clients is how to set and maintain personal boundaries. Quite often it comes up when clients...

5 min read
10 Positive Podcasts for a Perfect Morning
Like me, are you counting down the days and hours until lockdown is lifted and we can emerge from our enforced chrysalis like a beautiful...

8 min read
Decluttering Your Mind, Body & Spirit
Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life! You know that pile of clothes hanging on the treadmill you don't use? And the pile of papers...

4 min read
Is Work Life Balance Achievable?
Work-life balance. A phrase we hear all too often, and in my opinion it sends completely the wrong message. It implies that some kind of...

4 min read
Why Coaching Works
A Broad Industry If you're reading this, you probably already have some idea about what coaching is. If you need a little bit more info,...

2 min read
Feeling Sad or Feeling Seasonal Affective Disorder?
With everything that’s going on in the world, you might find yourself feeling a bit low at the moment. This is completely understandable,...

5 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Personal Goals
If you’ve read my blog post ‘Reviewing 2020: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself’ you probably already have a good idea of the areas of your...

3 min read
5 Fun Ways to Challenge Yourself in 2021!
Why not try something new this year and step out of your comfort zone! Here are 5 fun ways to challenge yourself in 2021: 1. Take Part in...

8 min read
21 Best Books on Positivity for 2021
On a cold, wintry day, what’s better than curling up under a blanket with a good book? In my mind it’s what the word hygge was created...

3 min read
Eco-psychology: The Science Behind How Spending Time in Nature Benefits Your Health and Wellbeing
Throughout lockdown, we were encouraged to spend an hour outside undertaking some form of physical exercise - something we all know...

6 min read
10 Ways to Create a Sense of Calm Amidst Chaos
No matter how organised you are, there will inevitably be times in your life that make you question your sanity. You know, those moments...

8 min read
25 Ways to Self-Care Over the Holiday Period
Traditionally, the holiday season was a time for families and friends to come together and reconnect. A time to celebrate the events of...
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